UK Cohousing Network

UK Cohousing Network website:

Which includes the Lancaster Cohousing Group Page:

Lancaster Cohousing Project is also an example of shared mobility (members who own private cars are invited to contribute to a carpooling system) and shared energy (electricity micro-grid). It is currently the largest passive housing project in the UK.

Cohousing in a nutshell (from the website):

Cohousing communities are intentional communities. They are created and run by their residents. Each household has a self-contained, personal and private home but residents come together to manage their community, share activities, eat together. Cohousing is a way of combating the alienation and isolation many experience today, recreating the neighbourly support of the past. This can happen anywhere, in your street or starting a new community using empty homes or building new.

(Image: shared space in Springhill Cohousing, Glouchestershire. Creative Common licence.)

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