Seoul Sharing City

The fast pace of urbanisation and modernisation in Seoul made it one of the most competitive cities in the world, with innovative IT infrastructure and cutting edge examples of digital innovation. At the same time, thou, rising cost of living, long hours of work and social isolations (especially for older people) are some of the social problems that the city is facing at the moment. The Sharing City project, promoted by Seoul Innovation Bureau, is aimed at recovering trust-based relationships between people, while addressing environmental issues, reducing unnecessary consumption and waste, and creating new jobs.

What is shared?  (from the “service list” page on the Sharehub website)

  • Information sharing
  • Space sharing
  • Object sharing
  • Information/talent sharing

Who is sharing?

Seoul Sharing City is enabled by policies and infrastructures set up by the Social Innovation division of the Innovation Bureau, but it is implemented through a series of private-public mixed initiatives.

More information on the journey of Seoul as a Sharing City:

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